Inline Bow Spring Centraliser Sub

Centraliser Sub
The RAY OIL TOOL COMPANY Bi-Centred Bow Sub is centralized with an integral bow spring centralizer that fully recesses for close tolerance passage and flexes out in the larger well bore below.

The flexible bow spring centralizers can be recessed to below the outside diameter of the Bi-Centered Bow Subs for easy passage through subsea wellheads and close tolerance casing internal diameters, then later flex out for centralization in under-reamed or bi-center drilled well bores.

The unique 'patent pending' LUG supported flexible bow centralizer can be drawn through restrictions going in or out of the well bore, reducing bow spring stresses in the most difficult conditions.

Bi-Centered Bow Subs are available with rotating and non-rotating capabilities.

Solutions are at hand; Contact a Ray Oil Tool Representative for the most advanced casing centralizer technology.